May 11, 2009

General Secretary from Non Priest, are We Dare Enough?

Learning from past experience with "2-in-1" leader of HKBP called by Eforus (= bishop) and Sekjen (= General Secretary) who almost never establishing their period in harmony, i challenge to vote Sekjen from non priest instead of existing situation. He or she chosen by Sinode Godang (= congress) as usual, refer to the capacity and competency. No need somebody coming from seminary.

Considering the job description of Sekjen which is more administrative than theological, we do not need somebody coming from seminary to hold that position. He or she coming from human resources background, good in management, and has no intention to live and to create faction in HKBP. We should confess that STT HKBP (theology seminary owned by HKBP) does not have enough curriculum to teach those subjects because of less capacity in running the program. So, what can we hope from Sekjen who never got learning of management either administration program well before? So, it is not strange anymore for me if Sekjen usually thinking to move people from one place to another as what he feel good for him, instead of good for church ... It was happened usually in twice: in the beginning (to reward his successful team = the small group who support him during campaign period) and the shortcoming before next congress (to consolidate people who supporting him and kicking out his opposants ...).

If voting non-priest for Sekjen position, it can be reduce bad potency in internal competition between Eforus and Sekjen, because Eforus tends to keep the position until maximum period expired (two rounds) while on the other hand, Sekjen usually has a strong ambition to be Eforus for the next period. With that situation, they will compete each other to get "simpathy" from all priests who will participating in next congress as elector. You can imagine each of them will use 5-years period to do anything for having followers to vote them then in next congress. And usually tends to do any efforts to get it, event worst than politician. And has big possibility to do money politics in different way! Something is not suitable done in church environment.

Actually, this opinion is unpredictable by most of people in HKBP. And i believe many people will be agree on this approach. But the next question is the brave to expose and to explore this opinion. Are we dare enough to change?


  1. Mr. Tano Bato,
    Interesting topik.

    Power tends to corrupt, even in a small scope. Someone who is in charge of power tends to resist the power.

    I 've been in HKBP for whole of my life, even I still don't know what is Jesus Christ. What I experienced in the comunity (HKBP) is the lack of services and recognition.

    Of General Secretary from Non Priest issue, I am afraid of the services and recognition. Not to say that the educational system in seminary is bad, but I am thinking of the curriculum to be reformed, say by including management and administration to be taught.



  2. Mr. Tano Bato,
    Interesting topik.

    Power tends to corrupt, even in a small scope. Someone who is in charge of power tends to resist the power.

    I 've been in HKBP for whole of my life, even I still don't know what is Jesus Christ. What I experienced in the comunity (HKBP) is the lack of services and recognition.

    Of General Secretary from Non Priest issue, I am afraid of the services and recognition. Not to say that the educational system in seminary is bad, but I am thinking of the curriculum to be reformed, say by including management and administration to be taught.



  3. It is very sad to know your disappointed feeling on HKBP, but you are not alone. Most of people perceived that same condition regarding service of the congregation. But we still have chance to improve that bad situation. When i was in seminary, most of my colleagues frequently made HKBP as joke matter; in term of service, quality of priest, etc. I have to accepted those such of things. So what?

    My understanding, people who wants to improve HKBP should involve on it. It is not enough if we still standing outside. Influence from within, coming from the small thing. Start from our congregation.I believe our King of Church will sea and counting our effort, and He certainly help us to make better from time to time.

    Change is a must. To push changing on Gensec coming from non-priest is a good chance. We have to declare and to socialize this idea from our nearest environment.

    Never ever ever ever give up ...

    Horas, lae!
